Seasons of Life is a non profit, 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt organization that helps couples struggling with infertility become parents. In order to qualify, parents must have encountered a life-changing event. Financial hardship alone, although devastating, is not reason enough to qualify for support from this fund.
The mission of Seasons of Life is to provide fertility care to qualified recipients overcoming unique circumstances each season: winter, spring, summer and fall.
Meet Families We’ve Helped
WDIV–Live in the D
WJR–Today’s Woman
Upcoming Events

Virtual Fertility Support Group
Don't go through infertility alone
3rd Wednesday of every month at 6pm
Email for Zoom link
Future Dates: 9/16, 10/21, 11/18, 12/16

Infertility & Loss Support Group
Trying to navigate life when struggling with infertility, after a miscarriage or following the loss of an infant can be terribly lonely and extremely difficult. This support group might be a good resource for you. The goal of the group is to offer a safe space to share feelings and connect with others going through similar circumstances so that you feel less alone and more understand.
Click here for upcoming meeting times and locations.

Free Download
Wisdom & Wellness
Check out Wisdom & Wellness published by Michigan Center for Fertility & Women's Health. The focus is on infertility. You'll find helpful information on:
* When IVF is not an Option - INVOcell
* Takes Two to Tango - Male Infertility
* Laser Acupuncture Brightens Family Dreams
* Treating the Emotional Side of Infertility
* Developing a Wellness Plan
* The Impact of Age on Fertility
* Egg Freezing & Delayed Childbearing
* Fertility Recipes, Facts & More
Visit Wisdom & Wellness page at MCFWH
How to Apply for Assistance
The requirements to qualify for assistance are:
1. Send an essay outlining your specific extenuating circumstances. The fund is for those facing unusual life circumstances, in addition to infertility complications.
2. Letter from your physician confirming your fertility status.
3. Submit a personal financial statement that shows both assets (income) and liabilities (debt) such as rent, loans, etc.
4. We also require Federal Income Tax Returns for the past two years.
5. Include your medical history records.
6. A non-refundable, $50 application fee is required. We encourage you to read the entire application process prior to paying. If you decide to withdraw your application, we will be happy to send you a $50 donation receipt, but cannot refund it. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Application fees can be mailed or paid online.
NOTE: Entries need to be submitted by each of the seasonal deadlines:
March 15, June 15, September 15 and December 15. Please allow at least 30 days from these deadlines for a decision to be made. You will be notified in writing of the Board's decision.
If you are interested in having your submission considered, please mail it to:
Seasons of Life Fertility Foundation
19678 Harper Avenue,
Grosse Pointe Woods, MI 48236
They can also be emailed to